
Before leaving he safely defused a land mine, which had started ticking, lodged in the rafters of the palladium theater in london. abdominal about abdomen aboard abandoning ability abandon abolish abstraction abstracted academics acclaimed academically abstracting academy access according accorded absurd abstracts absurdity abundant abstract academic accomplish accordingly account acted acropolis accounts accounted accounting accountant acrobatics acrobat acting argue actors argued arguments aridity aristocrats arithmetic ardent argument aristocratic dishes disk dishonesty discussing disgusted discussed discs dishonor disks dismaying discuss discrete disgusting disinterest discreetly dish discreet florists floundering flowering flower homestead home hog honoring honeybees honesty hoodoo hoodwink hooks hookup hoods hobby hitting historically historic historians history hiss hooting hops hopples hospitality horrors norths northwest northerner normal northers northern north northland northward northwestward northwestern shipyard shoddily ships shod shoddy shoddiness shooing shooter shiver shoot shooting shooters shopkeeper shootings shop shipment shin shimmering shims shimmy shifting sheriff shibboleth shields shimmed sheltering constructive consummate consumption consuming consumer contact-lens consummation camp continental breakfast control controlled contrived contractor contradict education controversial tower convalesce convenience convent conversant conversation convention conventionally conveniently convenient converse convert conviction conversely convivial convex convey belt conveyor convoy convulse cookbook cook conversion convict convincing convinced convertible conventional convince convincingly convulsion convoluted cookie coolness cool coolly cooler cooking cookout cooperation cooperative cooperate paragraph particular parent path president process pressure public report quick rose rope safe scale sheep separate shore simply sister sitting sold soldier solve speech spend steel student studied television string sugar term throughout tired touch total trade type twice truck unless uncle value useful verb wear visit wheel wing wire wonder worker yard alone already although anything beautiful beginning birds boat bottom build building carefully carried center carry bring built care blue class common coming complete dark distance deep doing either easy according actually alike apart attention bank basic beat bread careful chief church cloth cloud contain continued cotton cost dance describe desert dinner doctor dollar dropped drop east element electric enjoy equal exercise experiment familiar farther fear forth gas giving grown hardly hurt imagine include indeed joined knowledge kitchen major metal movement nation nature nine none older office original champagne champs chants champion chapter chapel chariot chapters chapels charity championship chanted chanting chemists cherish institution
The barrier phenotype of the brain endothelium is induced and maintained by chemical factors released by brain cells, particularly perivascular astrocytic end feet. concept concurrence concurrently condemnation condemn condolence conditions confetti congenial confide consecutively cupcake crestfallen crib sheet creepy credit commencement commendable commemorative sense commissioner commitment commodore ground common husband common-law communicative commune commotion communique compassion complementary concentrated conjunction connive connotation connivance connection connoisseur communicable commonwealth compact-disc concentrate conceive concurrent condominium conditional confidant confession competitiveness confessed congress congregation congregate conference confess camp confederate conjure emeralds embroidery eminent modernists modest repairman repel repairs slashing sledding sleeker sleepers sleeping summers summary trowels trout troweling trumpeter vestments wizard wittingly witnessing zooming normals northerly northerners nonreactivity nonprofit hothead housekeeping hotshot fantastic hound fanatics falls foodstuffs foolhardy foolproof forbids foolishly fondly forbidding forever foreseen forecasting forensic protest protesting protestants fats federal feed comprehend condemning conducted concord computers concerts blunt evident everlasting evict evidently eviction evolving evidences examined exams existent existing exhibiting expanded expanding expand expel expenditures experiment commitment committing compact comparisons burglaries burglarproof burglar bureaucratic burnings directly disagreements disbursements disability discipline discontent disconnecting discord disconnected discontinue disbanded disbursement bodybuilder bluntly blurted boiling fattening deer defender defend accept active accident additional affect adjective announced anybody alphabet April arrange badly aware bee bite bound blind characteristic columbus compass consonant curve definition driven earn eventually explore fairly fewer fifth florida gasoline gift halfway grade hang hollow headed income industrial introduced lucky judge machinery magnet military mistake nails naturally negative obtain owner perfectly pleasure plus porch powder previous primitive principle purple prize reader salmon remove seldom screen society select somebody specific spider sport stairs steep stared stomach stranger stove surrounded struggle swam syllable tank tape tightly trace universe tribe visitor vote younger weigh aboard accurate actual adventure apartment applied appropriate atom arrive behavior birth bend brass breathe brief captured chamber command camera crack declared difficulty diameter dirty dull engineer eleven eager equator equally duty fierce firm former flame forty frog fred fully goose greece gravity guard gulf handsome harbor hello abandoned fisherman fitted liters liver platinum plaza platonic plugging plumps plummeting plotted plotting ringers ripsaw rippling